Jayme had us all over for grilled Alaskan salmon. Yummy. I made a pasta dish that had grape tomatoes, red onion, basil, EVOO, lemon juice, sea salt, and pepper. Karen brought a spinach and almond salad. It was so yummy! It is sad, but usually the only time we see each other is during our runs, and then it is different. Friday, we all had our kiddos with us, and, even though the husbands got the night off (they have to watch the kids during our long runs, so we figured it was only fair), it felt really great to get together socially. I even took a bottle of wine (which is kind of a no-no, but we had only a little bit and lots of water), and it was a nice switch to guzzling down water in the middle of nowhere!

I have to say that there is a real art to drinking and running, and I am afraid I am not very good at it yet. How do you get enough water on a really long run?
One thing that I noticed this week was that I got a rub spot on the bottom of one of my feet. This is the first time it has happened, and I can see from this weekend how it would have been a real issue by mile 26. I am going to try to find some sort of possible remedies for this. I read a post on fitbottomedgirls.com that said Aquaphor is great for this, so I might try it this week to see how it feels. I am not sure about running with greasy feet, but running with the rub spot was no picnic.
This week is a taper week, but then we are running the big 20. It will be the longest run before the race, and my longest run to date. I am both excited and scared, but know that with my buddies, I can make it through.
That pasta dish sounds amazing! I haven't heard about hydration belts yet but that is a neat idea. I cannot believe how many miles you run I think i'd pass out!