If there is one thing I do not want for Mother's Day, it is flowers. I love the holiday, though. I love when my husband and kids say they are going to make me breakfast in bed, but in order for this to happen I actually have to go back to bed (I am usually getting home from a run about the time everyone else wakes up). I love how Mother's Day means we get to do all the fun stuff I want to do, like go to the park, or go get ice cream...well, those aren't so much the things "I" choose for myself, but they are chosen for me, and it is fun. Yes, I still have to cook dinner and do the dishes and get everyone ready for bed at the end of the day. But, it's Mother's Day...what else am I supposed to do?

This year I am asking for kettlebells. Have you heard of these? I have really been reading up on them lately, and they are supposed to be amazing weights! The idea behind them is that you hold them differently, so you engage more muscles. It makes sense to me, and if I can get a better workout in a shorter time-period, I am all for it!
I am 23 days out from my
marathon, and am starting to look at doing some more cross-training stuff once it is over. I will always run...I love it way too much, but I also want to incorporate more weights and yoga into my life.
Do you work out with kettle bells? What are some good exercises?
This blog is a kind of test for my husband, to see if he reads this or not. I guess we will find out on Mother's Day! Come on, honey...don't let me down!
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