Saturday, January 1, 2011

a clean start to 2011

Happy New Year!  I cannot believe that it is 2011 already...where does the time go? I remember when I was a kid my Dad always told me how quickly life goes by when you're an adult, and I am really starting to see that. This year was a complete whirlwind. As I reflect on all that has happened, it has been a good year, but it all went by so quickly.  I took on some amazing consulting jobs, one of which turned into an amazing full-time position, ran two marathons, took some great trips, and celebrated five years of marriage with my husband. Yes, 2010 was a great year, but I am really looking forward to 2011.
I am not really a resolution person. I find that people rarely keep to their resolutions. It's also a lot of pressure to put on yourself right at the beginning of the year, you know? I prefer to set small goals throughout the year, like training for races. I find that it is a lot more doable for me.
Having said that, one goal that I do have overall is to eat healthier. Since my schedule has been so hectic for the last few months, I have been eating lots of junk and way too little veggies. I am feeling really off balance because of it, so have decided to make a huge effort to do better going forward.
In fact, I am starting a cleanse tomorrow. It is the Master cleanse, a ten day cleanse designed to flush the body of toxins. I have never cleansed before and so am very nervous about it, but also excited to see it through. While on the cleanse I will not be eating, and I think it will be really hard to go without chewing. I will miss it. It will also be tricky negotiating the bathroom situation while working, since from what I have read, the cleanse can be pretty violent at times. Still, it is a good jump start to better nutrition, so will be good for me.
One big part of the cleanse is documenting each day, recording how I feel, etc., and so I will be recording it all here, for anyone who wants to vicariously experience the cleanse.

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