The other hairstyle I always go for is the Sienna Miller short cut. I should take this moment to let you know that I am a blonde, and so I am kind of drawn to the blonde styles. Every time I have taken a photo of a brunette with a cute cut into the hairdresser, they always give me a huge speech about how texture and color make a difference, and my hair won't look anything like the picture if we cut it like that. Blah, blah, blah. As much as I don't want to hear that, the hairdressers have been right every time. So...to save myself the heartache, I just look at blondes. At any rate...people have told me that I kind of resemble Sienna Miller (they were always drunk when they said this), and so I can really see this type of style on me, as well. The problem with really short hair is that when I get up in the mornings to run or go to boot camp, my short hair will be sticking straight up in the air. Long hair is nice, because you can always rock a pony or a braid if your tresses look terrible. With short hair...not so much. You really can't even hide under a hat. How many times have you seen a woman with short hair look great in a ball cap? Never? That's because it doesn't happen.
I think the main reason I haven't ever had really long or short hair is simply because I lack the conviction. It takes work and patience (and regular salon visits) to grow hair long and have it look great. My hair will grow to shoulder length and stop growing...and then I just get sick of it and lop it off. But not too short, because it takes effort (and regular salon visits) to keep short hair looking great. Plus, if it looks terrible...I'm just stuck looking ridiculous for at least 6 weeks.
I have until early March to decide. Until then...my apologies to everyone who has to look at me regularly, and I will try to wear a hat.
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